
Announcing the Maxanet Online Auction Business Startup Series: A free three-month crash course on how to build an online auction startup success or digitize your current offerings.

Over the past year and a half, our lives have gone digital like never before. People are more comfortable than ever doing business and making purchases online. This major shift points to significant growth potential for you as an auctioneer. By going digital, you can reach a wider audience, connect with far-flung clients, and tap into different business niches.

But there’s a learning curve to doing business on the internet. That’s why we’ve created this series on digitizing your auction business. The Maxanet team is committed to giving you the information and tools you need to be successful as an online auctioneer.

Over the next few months, we’re releasing a series of tutorials with step-by-step instructions to help you build your online auction business. It’s not as hard as you might think.

Topics include:

How to get clear on your brand

Your brand is a collection of attributes and qualities that people associate with you and your work. Simply put, your brand is your identity. When people come to your website, they need to understand who you are, what you do, and what sets you apart from other auctioneers right away. This tutorial will help you define your brand and communicate it to your audience.

Choosing the right platform for your online auction business

A platform is more than just a website and the occasional tweet or Facebook post. It’s a gathering place where people can join the conversation—and the action. It’s where your audience can find you from anywhere in the world. This tutorial will outline your platform options, including online auction software, and help you prioritize the most impactful online outlets for your brand.

Finding the right people

Of course, great employees are a great asset, but this is about more than just hiring. It’s about identifying your ideal clients and going to them, not just letting them find you. As an online auctioneer, you have virtually unlimited access to clients worldwide, not just in your immediate vicinity. This tutorial will equip you with some strategies for finding and reaching your dream clients.

Online Marketing 101

The internet changed the game for marketing. There are many excellent tactics available to you, many of which are inexpensive or free. But you need a plan for them to be successful. This tutorial will teach you the basics of inbound and outbound marketing and show you how to integrate your marketing strategies with your online marketing platform.

Grow yourself to grow your online auction business

You are the heart of your online auction business. If you’re not learning and improving, neither is your business. And if you’re digitizing your offering for the first time, you need to pick up some new skills. This tutorial will help you create a custom personal development plan for yourself so you never lose sight of your own education.

Generosity: the key to true success

The auction business is uniquely intertwined with charitable giving in a way that most industries are not. With the right approach, this can mean robust opportunities for your online auction business. This tutorial will help you achieve the parallel goals of growing your business and giving back to your community simultaneously.

Are you thinking about your own online auction business startup or digitizing your current offerings? What topics would you like to see us cover during this series? Leave a comment below.